Thursday, June 30, 2011

Embracing Freedom

It's Independence Day weekend here in the U.S.  In honor of the holiday, I am taking a moment to celebrate my own freedom as well.

I don't live a conventional life.  I have never been a conventional person.  I detest conformity and living by society's "rules."  I hope to be a pioneer for other girls/women in the future who want to live outside of the box.

My freedom to me means being able to go out after dark to attend a night time Zumba party held at a dance club/bar.  Back in the 1800s it wasn't proper for a woman to go out after dark without being chaperoned.  You would have been considered an unchaste woman if you did that.  Only ladies of the evening did that sort of thing. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Embracing My Spinster Status

The term "spinster" originally identified girls and women who spun wool. In medieval times, this was one of the few livelihoods available to a woman in order to live independently of a male wage. (Source:  Marriage service rubric in The Book of Common Prayer.) 

Since the term implies independence, then I am totally okay with that.  It wasn't until later on that the term turned into something derogatory.

The whole statement implies that women married solely to be taken care of financially by a man.  We don't have to do that in this day and age.  I have lived independently all of my adult life.

I don't want this blog to become some kind of male bashing blog but rather a showing of empowerment of someone who lives their lives to the beat of their own drum and not following the paths of others.

Why should it be expected that everyone's life follows a road map with the destinations all marked off?  Maybe you want to take the crossroads or perhaps the long scenic route.

I almost did marry once.  Obviously, it didn't work out.  After that bump "in the road," I have never been so happy to have dodged a bullet and have my freedom in my life.  I think that's why I have held on to it so tightly.  It would have been a huge mistake that I would have made and I would have been miserable but now my possibilities are endless.

So, with this blog that I have started I hope to dispel the stigma that us Old Maids and Spinsters are sitting at home eating bon bons and crying our eyes out.  Actually, there are probably more unhappy housewives out there that are doing that because we aren't connected to anything.  We don't have to wish for freedom - we already have it!